
Mine chapter 8

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A usal my internal alarm went off, jerking me awake. Jake was clinging to my middle, snoring softly.
"Jakey-Jake!" I whispered, shaking him. "Time for school."
His eyes opened, blinking up at me like an angel. "I just fell asleep though." he whined."What time is it?"
I looked at my window, it was still pitch black out and the moon was slightly to the west. "Judging by nature I'd guess its 3 am." I said, petting his hair.
"Why do you get up at 3?" he asked as I kicked the sheets from my body onto his.
"Because I only need a few hours of sleep to function." I giggled, pulling on my clothes.
Jake rolled over and bunched the blankets benith his shoulders, falling back asleep. I grunted in pain while trying to pull on my pants, trying not to squeel then wandered into the bathroom to brush my hair.
This is why I hate sleeping with wet hair. I yanked the brush through all the clumps and rats that formed when I went to sleep. I plugged in the iron to warm it up while I brushed, resorting to some of my mom's "No more tangles" hair de-tangler spray which made my hair greesy.
"Look on the bright side C, maybe you can spike your hair today." I said, fingering through the layered part of my hair.
I grinned, grabbing my teasing comb and combing the short strands upward, spritzing it with pomade spray and ironing it into place. It looked sliked and uneven, kind of like a chainsaw.
I repeated it with the other side, giving the same effect. I turned around, looking at it from the side and gave myself a thumbs up.
"Christian Coma you fucking genius." I said, blowing my reflection a kiss. I'm sure if my reflection could talk by its self it would blow a kiss at me too, that sexy bastard.
I sat back down on the bed, watching Jake sleep. He looked like an angel, his pale skin seemed to glow in the dark. His skinny fingers gripped the blanket tightly and his mouth hung open an inch.
I reached up and stroked his hair, letting the long strands slip through my fingers. This boy was mine, he was beautiful.

I must've fallen asleep while sitting there because a siren noise jerked us both awake. Jake dove for his phone and turned off the alarm.
"Time for school." he said, rolling over.
I giggled at him.
"You're still naked." I said, throwing him his clothes.
He grumbled and pulled on his jeans. Looking around for his shirt hopelessly.
"Can I borrow a shirt?" he asked, shivering.
I went to my closet and fliped through the hung up shirts. "Do you like My Chemical Romance? Its the only clean unstained shirt I have." I held out my Black Parade shirt.
"Hell yeah!" he took the shirt and slipped it on, pulling it down to his waist. "How do I look?"
"Very fuckable."
"Thanks. Sweet hair by the way." he said, looking at my chainsaw hairdo.
"I call it, CC chainsaw. rrrr!" I gestured like I was cranking a chainsaw holding one leg in the air and bending my arms.
"NOOO HE'S GONNA KILL ME!" he yelled, running out into the hallway.
I chased after him. He ran into the bathroom and locked the door, laughing.
"No fair man!" I called, pounding on the door.
"Yes fair, you had a chainsaw." he said. "Can I use your brush?"
"Yeah sure." I picked up my backpack and waited for him outside the door.
Ten minuets passed before he unlocked the door, beaming at me. His hair back to normal "Schooltime!"
"Race you?"
"Hell yeah."

(Jake's POV, at school.)
CC and I we're neck-in-neck running. We had to stop at the crosswalk though.
CC leaned against the light pole, panting. I pressed the button and waited for the light to turn green.
"Hey....hey Jake?" CC panted, standing up stright.
"Hm?" I said, not breathing hard at all.
"Can you hold my hand when we cross?" he said, holding out his hand to me.
I smiled and took it, watching the cars pass untill the WALK signal replaced the DON'T WALK signal.
We jogged across the intersection, not stopping untill we were far passed the other side. CC didn't let go of my hand as we approached out little ethnic group.
"Theres the happy couple!" Jinxx said.
I blushed, I'm pretty sure CC did too. "Tah-dah!" CC said, throwing up his free arm.
"Should we give you a couple name? Or is that too 2008?" Ashley joked.
"How about Cake? C, Jake, take away the J put in a C."
"Cake?" CC said. "I like cake. Damnit now I want cake..."
"Maybe if the school is nice enough to give us real food..."
Savannah came storming over. She was so pissed it looked like someone had poured ho water on her. She raised her fists and began to beat on my head.
"Ow! Fuck I thought you were over it-!" I put my arms over my head.
She shoved me against the wall, still punching me anywhere she could get to.
"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" she screamed, pressing her arm against my throat.
"Leave him alone!" CC yelled, grabbing her arm. She spun around and punched him, sending him stumbling into the shocked Andy, Ashley and Jinxx.
She shoved me against the wall, her eyes burning into mine.
"You tell Daddy how much of a slut I am then go fuck your little faggot ass boyfriend huh?" she growled, just loud enough for me to hear.
"How the hell-?!"
"Rule one to private fucking Jakey-boo, turn off your damn phone." she slapped me across the face.
People were starting to gather around, looking on curiously. I saw Andy restrain CC from tackling Savannah, I got an idea...
"Get off me!" I shouted "You can't do this!"
"I will end you." she growled.
"I'm your brother you skank! I said get off! I'm not into that shit!"
Gasps and giggles came from the crowd. I saw fear cross her face before she slapped me again and dropped me. "You're going to pay for that, whore." she said, pushing through the crowd.
CC and Ashley helped me up. My nose was bleeding and I could feel bruises forming on my cheekbones. I looked up at CC, a black and purple circle was forming around his left eye.
"Your mom is going to freak when she sees that." I said, pinching my nose shut.
"Your mom is going to freak when she sees you." CC said, putting my arm around his shoulder while we all walked to the nurse.
Andy waved his hand by his throat, signalling to CC not to talk about my mom. I sighed, trying my best not to die from blood loss.
"Another fight outcome? Can't you kids just talk it out?" the nurse grumbled when we stumbled in.
"Not my fault his sister is batshit insane..." CC murmured.
She looked at all five of us. "Anyone else hurt besides Mr. Pitts and..."
"CC. Coma. Whatever you want to call me." CC said, rubbing his eye.
"Nobody else is hurt Mrs. Paul." Jinxx said.
"OK. You three hurry along, the bell will ring soon." she said, opening the door for them. "As for you two, whose hurt the worst?"
CC pointed at me, I raised my hand. Still pinching my nose shut.
"Lovely." she said, handing me a towel to bleed onto. "Lean forward, don't let any blood run into your throat or else it could get into your lungs."
I leaned forward, holding the white cloth to my nose. She pushed me back slightly, tilting my head up.
"Head above your heart, or else it'll never stop." she said, then went to the sink to fill a glass of water. "Drink this then hold your nose for five minuets."
"Why do I have to drink?" I said, taking a sip of the water.
"Clean your nasty ass throat thats why." CC giggled.
"Language, young man." She said, shaking her finger at him.
"Should I speak Spanish then?" he asked "vaya putah de su madre?"
"Thats not even Spanish man." I said.
"I heard it on some TV show. I don't think thats the right words though." CC rubbed his eye again. "Finish your water so you don't get any paler, you look like a vampire."
"But I am a vampire. I just don't sparkle." I said, gulping down the rest of the water then pinching my nose shut.
"Five minuets is gonna be forever...." I grumbled.
"Sing then." CC said. "Hey nurse! What about my eye?"
She came out of the office/ER/storage room sh was in holding a cotton ball and an ice pack.
She leaned down infront of CC "Close your eye."
She rubbed his eye gently with the cotton ball then held the ice pack against it. CC held it in place and leaned on his elbow.
The bell rang, sending left over kids in the hall scurrying to class. I sighed, making my lips vibrate.
"This is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and now they'll keep on singing it forever be-ecause this is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on..." CC sang softly.
"Hey has it been 5 minuets yet?" I called after counting to 60 five times.
"Is your nose done bleeding?" she said.
I peeled the bloody rag off my nose and felt along my nostrils. I bleeding anymore.
"Yeah. Can we go to class now?" I asked.
"Go ahead. CC, keep that pack over your eye so the swelling goes down." she called as we left.
I hugged CC before he walked to his house, I could hear his mom's scream from my porch. I sighed and unlocked the door.
Savannah sat cross legged on the sofa, an evil smirk across her face. I hated her smirk, she knew just what dad was going to do to me.
"He's waiting for you downstairs, Jakey-poo." she said.
I was trembling as I slowly walked down the stepps, the wooden boards creaked with each step. Dad was sat in his recliner, staring at the wall. HIs belt was clasped in his hand.
"Your sister told me something interesting today." he said, not even looking at me.
"W-what would tha-at be?" I said nervously.
He sighed and rubbed his face with one of his giant hands. "Are you seeing that boy across the street?"
"Yeah. The one with long hair."
I was quiet.
"ANSWER ME!" he screamed.
I backed up, fear stabbed me in the chest.
He got up from his chair, looking down at me. My legs gave out and I fell down.
"Get up and bend over, since thats what you seem to like doing nowadays!" he hollared, holding up the belt.
"NO! Please!" I tried to back up the stairs but he grabbed me by the arm, cracking the belt across my back. I cried out in pain.
"I didn't raise a faggot! I didn't raise either of you like this!" he yelled, slapping me on the thigh.
"Dad stop!" I sobbed "Stop! Please!"
He cracked it across my arm, leaving a bright red mark.
"How'd it feel Jake? Did you gt any shit on your dick?" he slapped me again, across the chest. "HUH?!"
"No-oh!" I was crying now. "I'm sorry daddy..."
"Don't fucking 'daddy' me you piece of shit." he kicked me in the side then turned to tromp up the stairs. "Fucking queer..."
I took a shuddering breath, my whole body ached. My back and chest burned from the whacks, a bruse was starting to form on my arm. I pulled myself up and climbed the steps slowly, pulling myself to my room.
I laid down on my bed, trying to relax. Calm down, fucker just calm the fuck down...
I couldn't. I hated myself, I hated that I was so stupid I hated the fact that I loved a man I hated everything.
"Last resort" a tiny voice whispered in my head.
My eyes flicked to the bottom drawer of my dresser, a red ribbion hung from the rungs.
You'll feel better. It'll take half a second. C'mon!
I slowly got off my bed, bent down and opened the drawer. Inside was some bloody clothes and a zebra-striped box.
I picked up the box and carried it to my bed. I laid down, resting the box on my sore chest and lifted the lid.
Think about what you're about to do.
My old handwriting was scribbled on the bottom of the lid in black sharpie. I threw it aside and picked up the flat, square piece of metal inside it.
You'll feel better soon.
I pressed the razor edge against my hip, sliding it slowly to my belly button.
Yay violence!
(Yay because violence is the only thing I can write well without anyone else's opinion -_- calm your tits)
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